TillaCare product line

The UriCap Female product line is available in three kits including the necessary accessories according to your mode of usage. All accessories are qualified by TillaCare for ease of use and a high standard of safety and quality.

Our products

Our urine management products

UriCap Female
UriCap Female Device
Base kit
UriCap Female Base Kit
Change kit
UriCap Female Change Kit
Starter kit
UriCap Female Starter Kit

Our accessories

Our urine management accessories

scurement device
Securement Device
Urine bag
Urine Bag Tilla 2L
Demonstration box 3
Demonstration Kit

Download our latest catalog

Where to buy

Contact our certified distributor for purchasing and insurance coverage information.

Israel & Europe


TillaCare Ltd

To Order UriCap Female - Call +972-7-75508737


Call to Order UriCap Female - (888) 764-6589

Respiratory Plus, Inc.

Mail: resppluspaula@gmail.com

Call to Order UriCap Female 870-772-0202

Call to Order UriCap Female (646) 386-0979



1712 Pioneer Ave #135 - Suite 135

Cheyenne, WY

82001 USA

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